Conferencia sobre tuberculosis jueves 22 de marzo, Facultad de Biología



Investigador Principal de la Unidad de Genómica de Tuberculosis del Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia – CSIC.


At the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit (TGU) we combine evolutionary, epidemiological, functional and genomic analyses to understand the biology of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, and particularly the causative agents of human tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum. Furthermore, as the bacillus cannot be understood without the host we are also moving towards integrated host-pathogen “omics” approaches. Our final aim is to find new ways to fight the disease.


Publicaciones en Nature, Nature Genetics, PNAs, PLoS Pathogens, Journal Infectious Diseases.


Webs de interés:




  • Comas I, Hailu E, Kiros T, Bekele S, Mekonnen W, Gumi B, Tschopp R, Ameni G, Hewinson RG, Robertson BD, Goig GA, Stucki D, Gagneux S, Aseffa A, Young D, Berg S. Population genomics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia contradicts the virgin soil hypothesis for human tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan Africa. Curr Biol. 2015 Dec 21;25(24):3260-6.
  • Luo T, Comas I, Luo D, Lu B, Wu J, Wei L, Yang C, Liu Q, Gan M, Sun G, Shen X, Liu F, Gagneux S, Mei J, Lan R, Wan K, Gao Q. Southern East Asian origin and coexpansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosisBeijing family with Han Chinese. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jun 30;112(26):8136-41.
  • Bos KI, Harkins KM, Herbig A, Coscolla M, Weber N, Comas I, Forrest SA, Bryant JM, Harris SR, Schuenemann VJ, Campbell TJ, Majander K, Wilbur AK, Guichon RA, Wolfe Steadman DL, Cook DC, Niemann S, Behr MA, Zumarraga M, Bastida R, Huson D, Nieselt K, Young D, Parkhill J, Buikstra JE, Gagneux S, Stone AC, Krause J. Pre-Columbian mycobacterial genomes reveal seals as a source of New World human tuberculosis. Nature. 2014 Oct 23;514(7523):494-7.
  • Sánchez-Busó L, Comas I, Jorques G, González-Candelas F. Recombination drives genome evolution in outbreak-related Legionella pneumophila isolates. Nat Genet. 2014 Nov;46(11):1205-11. 
  • Pérez-Lago L, Comas I, Navarro Y, González-Candelas F, Herranz M, Bouza E, García-de-Viedma D. Whole genome sequencing analysis of intrapatient microevolution in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: potential impact on the inference of tuberculosis transmission. J Infect Dis. 2014 Jan 1;209(1):98-108.
  • Comas I, Coscolla M, Luo T, Borrell S, Holt K, Kato-Maeda M, Parkhill J, Malla B, Berg S, Thwaites G, Yeboah-Manu D, Bothamley G, Mei J, Wei L, Bentley S, Harris S, Niemann S, Diel R, Aseffa A, Gao Q, Young D, Gagneux S. Out-of-Africa migration and Neolithic coexpansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with modern humans. Nature Genetics. 2013; 45(10):1176-1182.
  • Comas I, Borrell S, Roetzer A, Rose G, Malla B, Kato-Maeda M, Galagan J, Niemann S, Gagneux S. Whole-genome sequencing of rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identifies compensatory mutations in RNA polymerase genes. Nat Genet. 2011 Dec 18;44(1):106-10.
  • Comas I, Chakravartti J, Small P, Galagan J, Niemann S, Kremer K, Ernst J, Gagneux S. Human T cell epitopes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are evolutionarily hyperconserved. Nature Genetics. 2010; 42(6):498-503.
  • Comas I, Gagneux S. The past and future of tuberculosis research. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Oct;5(10):e1000600.