Plasticidad de las células madre tumorales durante la progresión del carcinoma de piel

Buenas tardes:

El próximo jueves 1 de marzo a las 12:00h en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Biología la Dr.. Purificación Muñoz del IDIBELL (Barcelona) impartirá la conferencia titulada "Plasticidad de las células madre tumorales durante la progresión del carcinoma de piel" en el marco del Máster de Biología Molecular y Biotecnología. La conferencia está abierta a toda la comunidad universitaria.

Saludos, Victor


Investigador Principal del grupo "Envejecimiento y Cáncer" del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (Barcelona).

Research lines

1. Characterization of genetic and epigenetic alterations in epidermal stem cells during ageing, which are responsible for impaired skin regeneration and wound-healing.

2. Identification of mechanisms involved in skin squamous cell carcinoma and colorectal carcinoma progression


3. Impact of tumor microenvironment on the regulation of cancer stem cells in skin squamous cell carcinoma and evaluate its relevance in tumor progression and metastasis development.

Selected publications

da Silva-Diz V, Simón-Extremera P, Bernat-Peguera A, de Sostoa J, Urpí M, Penin RM, Pérez Sidelnikova D, Bermejo O, Viñals JM, Rodolosse A, Gonzalez-Suarez E, Gómez Moruno A, Pujana MA, Esteller M, Villanueva A, Viñals F, Muñoz P. Cancer Stem-like Cells Act via Distinct Signaling Pathways in Promoting Late Stages of Malignant Progression. Cancer Res. 76 (5):1245-1259 , 2016

 Yoldi G, Pellegrini P, Trinidad EM, Cordero A, Gomez-Miragaya J, Serra-Musach J, Dougall WC, Muñoz P, Pujana MA, Planelles L, González-Suárez E. RANK signaling blockade reduces breast cancer recurrence by inducing tumor cell differentiation. Cancer Res. 76(19):5857-5869, 2016

Illiou MS*, da Silva-Diz V*, Carmona FJ, Ramalho-Carvalho J, Heyn H, Villanueva A, Muñoz P# and Esteller M#. Impaired DICER1 function promotes stemness and metastasis in colon cancer. Oncogene 33(30):4003-4015, 2014

Pellegrini P*, Cordero A*, Gallego MI, Dougall WC, Muñoz P, Pujana MA, Gonzalez-Suarez E. Constitutive Activation of RANK Disrupts Mammary Cell Fate Leading to Tumorigenesis. Stem Cells 31(9):1954-65, 2013

da Silva-Diz V, Solé-Sánchez S, Valdés-Gutiérrez A, Urpí M, Riba-Artés D, Penin RM, Pascual G, González-Suárez E, Casanovas O, Viñals F, Paramio JM, Batlle E, Muñoz P. Progeny of Lgr5-expressing hair follicle stem cell contributes to papillomavirus-induced tumor development in epidermis. Oncogene 32(32): 3732-43, 2013

Serrano L, Martinez-Redondo P, Marazuela-Duque A, Vazquez BN, Dooley SJ, Voigt P, Beck DB, Kane-Goldsmith N, Tong Q, Rabanal RM, Fondevila D, Muñoz P, Krüger M, Tischfield JA and Vaquero A. The tumor suppressor SirT2 regulates cell cycle progression and genome stability by modulating the mitotic deposition of H4K20 methylation. Genes Dev 27(6):639-53, 2013.