Conferencia "Unraveling novel transcriptome functional features by NGS technologies"

Los Másteres Universitarios en Bioinformática y en Biología Molecular y Biotecnología tienen el placer de invitarles a la charla invitada que impartirá el próximo viernes Ana Conesa, y cuyos detalles compartimos a continuación, esperando que sea de su interés.


HORARIO: viernes 19 de mayo de 2017, a las 12:00


LUGAR: Sala de Grados, Facultad de Biología


TÍTULO: "Unraveling novel transcriptome functional features by NGS technologies"


RESUMEN: The last 15 years of genomics research have been much dominated by the development of technologies for transcriptome profiling and for the automated functional annotation of sequence data, that have allowed the extensive study of gene expression in virtually any organism. These technological advances have tremendously expanded out understanding of the complexity of transcriptomes and the dynamics of the genomes. We moved from a rigid conception of the genomes with a large fraction of  “junk” DNA and only a small percentage of functional genes, to a much more dynamic view where long range interactions and pervasive expression are part of the active genome biology.  The number of RNA biotypes has expanded and the last human genome annotation indicates that the large majority of our genes are non-coding. In the last couple of years, the possibility to measure gene expression at the single-cell level, and the development of long read technologies for RNA-seq have opened new perspectives in transcriptome complexity and diversity in cellular populations, which poses new questions about the relationship between transcriptional regulation and cellular functionality. In this lecture I will cover the journey that transcriptome characterization has undergone during this period and will discuss new functional insights of gene expression made possible by the latest technological developments. I will present out new tool Transcript2GO for the functional profiling of transcriptomes at isoform resolution and explain how this contributes to the understanding of alternative splicing events during neural differentiation.


PONENTE: Ana Conesa (Professor, Microbiology and Cell Science Departament, University of Florida; Directora del grupo de Genomics of Gene Expression en el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe). Sus líneas de investigación actuales incluyen el uso de las tecnologías NGS para estudiar las implicaciones funcionales de la expresión y regulación génica. Ha desarrollado herramientas bioinformática de gran impacto como BLAST2GO para anotación funcional de nuevas secuencias (más de 5000 citas) o NOIseq, un método novedoso para análisis de expresión diferencial. Ha participado en la creación y puesta en marcha de 2 spin-offs relacionadas con la biotecnología y la bioinformática.


IDIOMA: castellano